A social media post sparks debate over pricing practices as a customer questions the ethics of charging for a small cup of hot water.
A diner in Singapore has sparked an online debate after complaining about being charged S$1 for a small cup of hot water at a local café. On May 10, Ms. Ng shared her experience on the popular Facebook group COMPLAINT SINGAPORE, questioning whether it was ethical for the establishment, Kaffe & Toast, to charge for hot water.
In her post, Ms. Ng asked, “How much is a cup of water in Singapore? Kaffe & Toast charge $1 for a small cup of tap water (hot). Isn’t this considered unethical pricing?” She expressed concern that such pricing could set a harmful precedent, leading to “unnatural inflation” in the cost of basic items.
The post included a photo of her receipt, which showed her order at Sengkang General Hospital on May 10. She had initially ordered a Kopi C for S$2.20 and a Teh O for S$2, but was later charged an additional S$1 for a small cup of hot water.
While some defended the café, arguing that businesses are free to set their prices, others agreed with Ms. Ng’s stance, believing that charging for water might be seen as unreasonable. The controversy highlights the ongoing conversation about pricing transparency and the ethics of charging for basic services in food establishments.
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