Macron and Other Western Leaders Caution Against Rapid EU Membership for Ukraine
During a summit in Versailles, European Union leaders, led by French President Emmanuel Macron, rejected Ukraine’s appeal for fast-tracked membership despite strong support from Eastern European states. Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, backed by nations like Estonia, Poland, and the Baltic states, sought a special membership process as a way to solidify EU support amid Russia’s ongoing invasion. However, France, Germany, Spain, and the Netherlands argued against this, with Macron emphasizing the need for vigilance. He expressed solidarity with Ukraine but cautioned that opening an accession process while Ukraine was at war would be impractical.
Despite the rejection of the fast-track appeal, the EU acknowledged the historic shift caused by Russia’s aggression and vowed to strengthen its ties with Ukraine. The summit’s discussions reflect the ongoing complexities of integrating a nation at war into the EU and the delicate balance between support and caution in response to the invasion.
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