Resident shares disturbing image of parcels containing sensitive information abandoned in public space.
A Singapore resident raised alarm after witnessing delivery parcels containing personal details left unattended in a public carpark. The packages, intended for next-day delivery, were carelessly placed by a LALA Move driver, with names, addresses, and phone numbers clearly visible on the packages.
On December 9, a concerned individual, identified as Cini Mod, posted a photo on the COMPLAINT SINGAPORE Facebook page, expressing frustration over the risky handling of sensitive information. “I’ve seen the driver leave these parcels with exposed contact details multiple times in public. Names, addresses, and handphone numbers are clearly visible. It’s no wonder people need to pay for delivery insurance,” he commented.
The photo showed a large pile of parcels stacked next to an indoor carpark entrance. Interestingly, a sign nearby reminded vehicle owners to safeguard their possessions, adding an ironic twist to the situation.
The incident has raised questions about the security and privacy practices of delivery services, as the exposure of such sensitive information could potentially lead to risks for recipients.
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