Siege of Sievierodonetsk: Russian Bombardment Forces Ukrainian Troops to Retreat to Outskirts

Siege of Sievierodonetsk: Russian Bombardment Forces Ukrainian Troops to Retreat to Outskirts

Intense Russian artillery pushes Ukrainian forces back, with the battle for the city now at a critical juncture.

The Russian bombardment of Sievierodonetsk has intensified, forcing Ukrainian troops to retreat to the outskirts of the city. Ukrainian forces are now contending with severe losses, as Russia continues to focus artillery fire on the area, undermining Ukraine’s defensive positions. The governor of Luhansk confirmed that Ukraine now only holds the city’s outskirts, and the situation remains dire for the remaining defenders.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy described the battle for Sievierodonetsk as the most challenging faced by his forces thus far, highlighting the high stakes for the future of the Donbas region. Despite the pressure, Ukrainian forces continue to hold out, with a strong resolve not to surrender the city. Meanwhile, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has suggested that the grain export crisis could be resolved if Ukraine de-mines its ports, further complicating the geopolitical context of the ongoing conflict.

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